Say hello to flawless skin with our Ultimate Skincare Combo!

Combine these three treatments for the ultimate skincare overhaul.

  1. Hydra Peel Facial

    Bid farewell to dullness, uneven texture, and dehydration with our Hydra Peel Facial. This non-invasive treatment offers a comprehensive solution to your skincare woes. By combining cleansing, exfoliation, peeling, extraction, and hydration in one session, it saves you time while delivering immediate results. Suitable for all skin types, it's the go-to choice for a quick yet effective skincare fix.

  2. MJ Exposé's Sapphire Treatment

    Embark on a journey of indulgence with our signature treatment. The MJ Exposé's Sapphire Treatment is a blend of hydropolation and radio-frequency, working in harmony to purify, moisturise, illuminate, and uplift your skin. Not only does it rejuvenate, but it also pampers you with a luxurious experience. With three unique serums penetrating deeply, your skin will be replenished and revitalised from within.

  3. LED Light Therapy

    Revitalise and renew your skin with our non-invasive LED Light Therapy. This painless treatment utilises advanced phototherapy technology to unveil your inner radiance.

Combine these three treatments for the ultimate skincare overhaul. Let your skin breathe, relax, and rejuvenate with our Ultimate MJ Exposé's Signature Sapphire Treatment.

Book your appointment today and treat yourself to the ultimate skincare indulgence.

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